Wednesday, March 27, 2013

unable to form words

Horomones please... stop!

Knowing that horomones are the number one cause of humiliation,I choose to stay away from the male population and just about everyone else.Teenage boys scare me, with their random thoughts and roaming hands. I shudder at the thought, but yes theres always a but..I talked to a guy.. and he was nice and funny and click alot ( on his mouse). Now im not saying anything its just we could be friends. Which would make my friend list at a 3. Highschool offically sucks.. i blame teen movies. After my offical melt down last night i had time to relise that life was horribly dull. And my highschool years were going to be the things i remember.... what joy.

So til next time dear readers...
Welcome to my life..

Give in time

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blown out of epic proportion

The universe hates me...

Do parents not understand what goes through a teen's mind? The simple words i hate this become ultered and misused, causing me to fill uterly angst and full of self hate. The fact that im tear staind and cover girl lied about their "water proof" mascara confuses me. But than again what doesnt in my family, Theirs nothing to do here or even find, im a lonely freak with only two friends and a little mistake blown out of proportion. Yes i was caught smoking a cigeratte but to loom that over my head til the day i die is really not a great way to build my selfasteam or my confidence. given my sistuation I feel cheated, i mean yes i did a small mistake does that mean you bring it up evertime i say or do something. I get it i messed up but shouldnt i be able to redeem myself or is it too much to ask for. Why am i the only one that gets the third degree, i mean my brother recked our car(S) and he never heard them saying anything about it after it happened. Im constinly reminded of my mistake not even getting into yale would bring it down.

I feel tired, lonely, and confused its weird im a teenager but with out the teen im just that a girl with a limited right and no one to back me up.. Help me i feel trapped in this world. why is it hard , i mean can i just do something to make me seem a little cooler, i have no friends or life, my day (if not in school) consist of me staying in my bedroom stairing at my wall or sleeping..

until next time dear readers...Welcome to my life..
Give in time

Post apocaliptic

Is it me?...

The universe is not in my favor, my horoscope lied and im no longer "on track" my mind is no longer processing my thoughts after watching an entire season of Awkaward the main girl "jenna" was epic, and so sterotypical im seriously, two guys fighting over you? bull shit (pardon my mouth) really. I get it the whole oh my! he's fighting for her its nice its hot! and than they have random sex! I mean sex in school? please ...

im not one to talk since im single and no one wants to mingle.. but life has a way of screwing you over like being stuck helping out in the school library while watching people (so-so form the last post) swabing spit or dry humping each other. its not my way of having fun but hey at least their having .. erhm fun? I was stuck stamping due dates on books glaring at nothing.. "hey..Z right?" right? Mr. Right? gosh it sucks butt
"yo" yo wait to go. My life sucks "umm.. books," books no really geeh i thought he was smart. "yes go away" once again my socialism is at a well done i should pat myself on the back. "umm right?" right right right, bloody fucking right! my life is done over and dead, must he i just want peace.. and friends that arent popular just nice. friends that wont allow me to get glares from girls that are to popular.

til next time dear readers.... Welcome to my life...
Give in time.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dr. pepper save me!

After school i wait for my mother to arrive. Alone. By myself as usual, well i thought it was. It was like in those overly dramatic teen movies where the boy is waiting and the "outcast" girl is waiting as well for a ride. He'd probably start off with "Hey.. Your waiting for a ride too?" and the girl would blush and look conctipated (kristen stewart) and reply with a timid "Y-yeah" and they'd ride off into the sunset with hearts in their eyes. Mine was .. different it went like this. "hey im so-so" ( i will not give out details) " you can see me?" he laughed probably thinking its a joke until he saw my dead serious face. "yeah your in half my classes.. Right?"  "im in all your classes" it went silent and awkward silence with no way of saving the conversation ( if you can call it that) from its ultimate death. Time passed and we stayed like that , until his mom picked him up "Bye ill talk to you again..Right?" what was with him and saying right?  "its not like i have a life," and another laugh and he was gone. leaving me to wait for my mother, who i think forgets she has a daughter at times.
But my invisiblty level is at a high but now all time high.. who knows maybe i'll get my highschool fantasy?

While typing this i feel like its okay to share because none of you know me or even care to know. My thoughts are jumbled in my brain.. and thearpy is to costy and im not made of money.. simply cells, organs, skin , and bone, etc. (my attempt at comedy ) like i said theirs reasons i dont have many friends. but til next time..Dear readers.. welcome to my life..
Give in time..

Long live highschool.. Not

Expressing Things I should Have Long Ago...

this may not be noticed of even reconized but, I need to let it out. And by that i need to tell you or who ever about me.
My name is not important at this moment, im female and confused about this crazy thing i call life, im a plain jane with nothing to brag about. Im random and somewhat childish and maybe thats why no one wants to be friends and im somewhat fine with it... okay im not, im not fine with this i'm freaked out. highschool is not what i wanted or thought. I thought that maybe if i had friends ( My friend population is at a two) ones that didnt judge me or find ways to critizes me , i'd be happy but, life has a weird way of screwing you over . My thought of having friends ment having fun and laughing at the cool kids, or even just chilling. But now that im in a new school.. Im invisible.. And its not the invisible that one day i'll be popular and have a plethera of friends. Seeing as of listening to men talk about sex and their life and them not knowing i'm here.. I'll say my invisiblity is at a high.. My dear readers...
Welcome to my Life