Monday, March 25, 2013

Dr. pepper save me!

After school i wait for my mother to arrive. Alone. By myself as usual, well i thought it was. It was like in those overly dramatic teen movies where the boy is waiting and the "outcast" girl is waiting as well for a ride. He'd probably start off with "Hey.. Your waiting for a ride too?" and the girl would blush and look conctipated (kristen stewart) and reply with a timid "Y-yeah" and they'd ride off into the sunset with hearts in their eyes. Mine was .. different it went like this. "hey im so-so" ( i will not give out details) " you can see me?" he laughed probably thinking its a joke until he saw my dead serious face. "yeah your in half my classes.. Right?"  "im in all your classes" it went silent and awkward silence with no way of saving the conversation ( if you can call it that) from its ultimate death. Time passed and we stayed like that , until his mom picked him up "Bye ill talk to you again..Right?" what was with him and saying right?  "its not like i have a life," and another laugh and he was gone. leaving me to wait for my mother, who i think forgets she has a daughter at times.
But my invisiblty level is at a high but now all time high.. who knows maybe i'll get my highschool fantasy?

While typing this i feel like its okay to share because none of you know me or even care to know. My thoughts are jumbled in my brain.. and thearpy is to costy and im not made of money.. simply cells, organs, skin , and bone, etc. (my attempt at comedy ) like i said theirs reasons i dont have many friends. but til next time..Dear readers.. welcome to my life..
Give in time..

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