Monday, March 25, 2013

Long live highschool.. Not

Expressing Things I should Have Long Ago...

this may not be noticed of even reconized but, I need to let it out. And by that i need to tell you or who ever about me.
My name is not important at this moment, im female and confused about this crazy thing i call life, im a plain jane with nothing to brag about. Im random and somewhat childish and maybe thats why no one wants to be friends and im somewhat fine with it... okay im not, im not fine with this i'm freaked out. highschool is not what i wanted or thought. I thought that maybe if i had friends ( My friend population is at a two) ones that didnt judge me or find ways to critizes me , i'd be happy but, life has a weird way of screwing you over . My thought of having friends ment having fun and laughing at the cool kids, or even just chilling. But now that im in a new school.. Im invisible.. And its not the invisible that one day i'll be popular and have a plethera of friends. Seeing as of listening to men talk about sex and their life and them not knowing i'm here.. I'll say my invisiblity is at a high.. My dear readers...
Welcome to my Life

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